
"So be calm, take a deep breath, read, exercise, and return to the arms of your people."

Passo Fundo, RS

Read the letter

"your greatest “CRIME” was to have lifted 38 million people out of poverty"

Aracaju, SE

Read the letter

"The recognition of social inequality, class prejudice, and daily humiliation is something we poor people learn from moment we are born"

Curitiba, PR

Read the letter

"We don't know each other, but I owe you a lot"

São Paulo, SP

Read the letter

"For the first time in my life, it was not I, the privileged one, who received privileges."

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Read the letter

"I thank you most of all for seeing those who are invisible, every Luiz Inácio here in the Northeast."

Pé de Serra, BA

Read the letter

"We know that water in the Brazilian northeast can mean the difference between life and death."

Florianópolis, SC

Read the letter

"This letter is perfumed and contains the outline of the palm of my hand"

Porto Alegre, RS

Read the letter

"Planting the seeds of hope, like you taught us to do."

Belém, PA

Read the letter

"I am 25 years old and I owe you very much. I am the daughter of a migrant"

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Read the letter

"The programs introduced in your two terms returned to "my kids" from the periphery the desire to study and become a "doctor""

Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Read the letter

"As an educator, I directly witnessed the advances of your administration"

Lagoa do Dionísio, BA

Read the letter

"Thank you for never giving up."

Teresina, PI

Read the letter

"Everyday say, Mary, open the way for me, and she will."

Fortaleza, CE

Read the letter

"I remember the joy in the air"

Santiago do Chile

Read the letter

"We fight, President, to once again prove that we are righteous in rejecting the miserable history they have left us."

Mariana, MG

Read the letter

"Lula, I am so intensely grateful to your government for making me believe that a better world is possible."

Poço Fundo, MG

Read the letter

"You took away many people’s hunger."

Palmópolis, MG

Read the letter

"The rabid elite will go away, but your legacy is already registered in history"

Read the letter

"Ah docteur Mouro, vous n’imaginez pas combien c’est dur et triste pour les pauvres de survivre au Brésil."

Palmeira dos Indios, AL

Read the letter

"Four letters, four cardinal points where the people reside"

Read the letter

"This letter has been dictated by me because I don't know how to write"

Salto de Pirapora, SP

Read the letter

"I am almost illiterate but I always politicians with courage"

Vista Alegre, Eneas Marques, PR

Read the letter

"From a child of PROUNI to you, a father I didn't have."

São Paulo, SP

Read the letter

"I received land from agrarian reform"

Serra Talhada, PE

Read the letter